Inventory of Federal Organizations and Interests
Comprehensive information on federal entities subject to the Financial Administration Act (FAA) and organizations in which the government holds an interest or participates in oversight.
Information concerning the business and activities of all parent Crown corporations is prepared in accordance with section 151 of the Financial Administration Act (FAA).
Services and information
Overview of federal organizations and interests
Ministerial departments, departmental agencies, departmental corporations, parent Crown corporations
Inventory on GC InfoBase
Categories of federal organizations with in-depth, interactive data visualizations
Crown corporations’ corporate holdings
Parent Crown corporations, their subsidiaries, legal partnerships, associates
Holdings under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act
Corporate shares held by government
Crown corporations’ tabling information
Tablings in Parliament of Crown corporation annual reports, corporate plans, budget summaries
Crown corporations’ financial data
Consolidated financial reports for Crown corporations
Guidance for Crown Corporations
Overview, processes for planning and reporting, audits, examinations, and resources
Page details
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