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ARCHIVED - 2009-2010 RPPs - User Fees/External Fees

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Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

User Fees

The Department currently has no planned user fee initiatives (either to introduce new fees or amend existing fees) for the departmental program covered by the User Fee Act, ie. The Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperatives Loans Act (FIMCLA) program.

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Canada School of Public Service

Table 12: User Fees

Name of User Fee Fee Type Fee-setting Authority Reason for Planned Introduction of or Amendment to Fee Effective Date of Planned Change Consultation and Review Process Planned
Fees charged for the processing of access requests filed under the Access to Information Act (ATIA) Other goods and services Access to Information Act Fees charged for the processing of access requests filed under the Access to Information Act (ATIA) N/A N/A

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Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency

Table 6: User Fees

User Fees

Name of User Fee Fee Type Fee-Setting Authority Reason for Planned Introduction of or Amendment to Fee Effective Date of Planned Change Consultation and Review Process Planned
Amendments to the Environmental Assessment Review Panel Service Charges Order Regulatory Service Financial Administration Act Update to reflect current costs and range of services provided 2009-2010 A consultation document was published in April 2008 for broad stakeholder consultations undertaken until June 2008, most notably with industry sectors whose projects may be subject to review panels and with the Minister of the Environment's multi-stakeholder Regulatory Advisory Committee. Consultation input and comments are being reviewed in order to prepare a proposal under the User Fees Act for tabling in Parliament as well as the subsequent regulatory amendments.

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Canadian International Development Agency

User Fees

Name of user fee Fee type Fee setting authority Reason for fee introduction or amendment Effective date of planned change to take effect Planned consultation and review process
Access to information Application fee for formal request Access to Information Act, Section 11. N/A N/A Permanent review of Act by parliementary committee (as per Section 75(1), Access to Information Act)
Access to information Reproduction fee Access to Information Act, Section 11. N/A N/A Permanent review of Act by parliementary committee (as per Section 75(1), Access to Information Act)
Access to information Search and preparation fee Access to Information Act, Section 11. N/A N/A Permanent review of Act by parliementary committee (as per Section 75(1), Access to Information Act)
Access to information Programming fee Access to Information Act, Section 11. N/A N/A Permanent review of Act by parliementary committee (as per Section 75(1), Access to Information Act)

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Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

Table 12: User Fees

User Fees
Name of User Fee Fee Type Fee-setting Authority Reason for Planned Introduction of or Amendment to Fee Effective Date of Planned Change Consultation and Review Process Planned
(Note 2 & 3)
Telecom-munications Fees (Note 1) Regulatory Service(R) Telecommunications Act (Section 68)
Telecommunications Fees Regulations, 1995
Part VII application to revise Telecom Fee Regulations (Note 4) To be determined Full public consultation. See "Explanation of Revenue" for further information. Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-71 and Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2008-13.
Broadcasting Licence Fees (Note 1) Regulatory Service (R)

Right and Privilege (R&P)
Part I licence fee Broadcasting Act (Section 11) Broadcasting Licence Fee Regulations, 1997

Part II licence fee Broadcasting Act (Section 11) Broadcasting Licence Fee Regulations, 1997
Note 5 Note 5 Note 5

Note 1 The Broadcasting Licence Fee Regulations, 1997 and the Telecommunications Fees Regulations, 1995 can be found on the CRTC website at: (broadcasting) and (telecommunications)

Note 2 Full public consultations occur with each change to the Telecommunications Fee Regulations or the Broadcasting Licence Fee Regulations.

Note 3 The CRTC’s dispute-resolution process regarding the assessment of broadcasting licence fees and telecommunications fees is summarized as follows:

Note 4 Aliant Telecom Inc. and Bell Canada (8657-A53-200606692 ) filed an application dated May 26, 2006, pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, requesting that the Commission revise the regulations regarding telecommunications fees and, in particular, the basis on which telecommunications fees are determined and levied. In Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-71 dated November 6, 2006, the Commission indicated that it would initiate changes to the Telecommunications Fees Regulations, 1995 so the telecommunications service providers, including those not required to file tariffs, would pay fees using the same approach that applies under the existing contribution regime. The Commission has initiated government inter-departmental deliberations and begun the process to draft wording changes to the fees regulations.

During the deliberations, the Commission received conflicting legal opinion with respect to the application of the User Fees Act to the proposed changes to the fee regulations. The Commission has reopened the proceeding and initiated a reference to the Federal Court of Appeal. Further details are available in the Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2008-13 dated October 15, 2008 (

Note 5 A Federal Court Trial Division decision rendered on December 14, 2006, declared Part II licence fees to be a tax. On December 4 and 5, 2007, the Federal Court of Appeal heard appeals on this decision. On April 28, 2008, the Federal Court of Appeal overturned the earlier ruling of the Federal Court Trial Division and declared that the Part II licence fees are valid regulatory charges and not a tax. In June 2008, the plaintiffs filed applications for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada. On December 18, 2008, the Supreme Court of Canada granted the applications for leave to appeal.

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Canadian Space Agency

Annexe 7 - User Fees

Name of User Fee Fee Type Fee-Setting Authority Reason for Planned Introduction of or Amendment to Fee Effective Date of Planned Change Consultation and Review Process Planned
Fees charged for the processing of access to information requests filed under the Access to Information Act Other services (O) Access to Information Act Volume change 2009-2010 The number of access requests is decreasing, therefore the total of planned User Fees are decreasing accordingly.

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Correctional Service Canada

Table 12: User Fees

User Fees
Name of User Fee Fee Type Fee-setting Authority Reason for Planned Introduction of or Amendment to Fee Effective Date of Planned Change Consultation and Review Process Planned
Access to Information Request Regulatory Service (R)
  • Access to information Act
  • CSC ATIP Compliance Manual
N/A Subject to ATI Act N/A N/A

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Environment Canada

Table 12: User Fees

User Fees
Name of User Fee Fee Type Fee-setting Authority Reason for Planned Introduction of or Amendment to Fee Effective Date of Planned Change Consultation and Review Process Planned
Ocean Dumping Permit Fee Regulations (site monitoring) Right and privilege fee to dispose of 1000 cubic meters of waste at sea Financial Administration Act S. 19.1 Revision of payment schedule to account for CEPA change to possible length of permit from 1 to 5 years 2009-10 No substantive change planned but adaptation to new CEPA language Consultant being engaged to review options. Results of any review will be shared with regulated community and input will be sought.
Disposal at Sea Regulations Application fee for a disposal at sea permit CEPA s. 135 Revision of payment schedule and amount of fee to account for CEPA change to possible length of permit from 1 to 5 years 2009-10 Consultant being engaged to review options. Results of any review will be shared with regulated community and input will be sought, as per requirements of User's Fee Act.
Wildlife Area Regulations :
a) Schedule II - Entrance fee for Cap Tourmente (QC)
Service - Cost Recovery Canada Wildlife Act

User Fees Act

Increase entrance fees to cover costs 2009-2010 Information meetings for users will be held to gather their comments and suggestions with regard to a possible increase in entrance fees.
At the start of every summer season, consultations with similar tourist attractions in the Quebec region are held to ensure that entrance fees are comparable with the market.
Wildlife Area Regulations :
b) Schedule III - Permits to hunt Snow Geese
Service - Cost Recovery Canada Wildlife Act

User Fees Act

Increase permit fees to cover costs 2010-2011 A survey form will be distributed to users to gather their comments and suggestions with regard to a possible increase in the price of hunting permits.
Consultations will be held with regional hunting and fishing associations as well as with local outfitters to ensure that hunting permits match current prices in this industry.

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Fisheries and Oceans Canada

User Fees

DFO implemented an External Charging Framework in 2007-08. The framework provides the necessary foundation for DFO's corporate approach that will guide responsible decision making with regard to DFO's external charging. This framework will also provide a foundation for explaining DFO external charging decisions to stakeholders. The Department has also prepared a guide to external charging for departmental managers.

No changes to user fees are planned for the upcoming planning period.

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Health Canada

User Fees
Name of User Fee Fee Type Fee-setting Authority Reason for Planned Introduction of or Amendment to Fee Effective Date of Planned Change Consultation and Review Process Planned
Authority to Sell Drugs Fees - AMENDED Regulatory Service (R) Financial Administration Act (FAA) Fees are being amended because:
  • fees have not been revised since originally  implemented in 1995-98, while the cost of doing business and the number and scope of regulatory activities have increased
  • current fees are not reflective of costs to deliver services within service standards
  • Auditor General recommended (2004 and 2006) costing and funding be revised and reviewed regularly
  • It is part of establishing a sustainable and sufficient funding platform to resource regulatory programs
2009-10 The User Fees proposals have gone through two rounds of consultations and the review by Independent Advisory Panels. Parliamentary Review of the Fee Proposals and Canada Gazette publication of proposed fees are planned in 2009-10. 
Certificates of Pharmaceutical Product (Drug Export) Fees - AMENDED Other Goods and Services (O) Ministerial authority to enter into contract –Department of Health Act
Drug Establishment Licensing Fees - AMENDED R FAA
Drug Master File Fees - AMENDED O Ministerial authority to enter into contract –Department of Health Act
Drug Submission Evaluation Fees - AMENDED R FAA
Medical Device Licence Application Fees - AMENDED R FAA
Fees for Right to Sell a Licensed Medical Device - AMENDED R FAA
Medical Device Establishment Licensing Fees - AMENDED R FAA

Additional information is available on the HPFB CRI website at

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Industry Canada

User Fees

Strategic Outcome
The Canadian Marketplace is Efficient and Competitive

Electricity and Natural Gas Meter Approval and Measuring Apparatus Certification
Fee Type:
Effective Date of Planned Change:
Fee-Setting Authority:
Electricity and Gas Inspection Act, section 28(1)(e)
Reason for Planned Introduction of or Amendment to Fee:

The fees associated with the provision of electricity and natural gas meter approval and measuring apparatus certification were last amended 13 years ago (1995). Proposed amendments will more closely align the fees for the provision of these legislated services with the actual costs of service delivery and, in the case of electricity and natural gas meter approval, with fees charged by international laboratories providing similar services.

Consultation and Review Process Planned:

Meter manufacturers and owners, service providers, and related associations will be consulted, online and through direct meetings, regarding proposed changes to the fees. Service standard performance targets exist for the delivery of these services and will be reviewed as part of this exercise.


Fixed and Broadcast Satellite Licences
Fee Type:
Effective Date of Planned Change: In light of the User Fees Act, the original implementation date has been delayed. It is anticipated that the resulting fee regime will take effect in 2010.
Fee-Setting Authority:
Radiocommunication Act, section 6(1); Department of Industry Act, sections 18, 19, 20;
Financial Administration Act, section 19.1
Reason for Planned Introduction of or Amendment to Fee:

Amended fees will aim at recovering a fair value for the use of the orbital and spectrum resources.

Consultation and Review Process Planned:

The consultation process has been delayed, as more market analysis needs to be done.

Service Standards:

Service standards for these fees will be established during the consultation process.
For additional fee-related information please go to: Spectrum Management and Telecommunications – Licence Fees.


Measuring Device Approval and Inspection
Fee Type:
Effective Date of Planned Change:
Fee-Setting Authority:
Weights and Measures Act, section 10(1)(q)
Reason for Planned Introduction of or Amendment to Fee:

The fees associated with the provision of measuring device approvals and inspections were last amended 15 years ago (1993). Proposed amendments will more closely align the fees for the provision of these legislated services with the actual costs of service delivery and, in the case of measuring device approval, with fees charged by international laboratories providing similar services.

Consultation and Review Process Planned:

Measuring device manufacturers and owners, service providers, and related associations will be consulted, online and through direct meetings, regarding proposed changes to the fees. Service standard performance targets exist for the delivery of these services and will be reviewed as part of this exercise.


PCS / Cellular Fees
Fee Type:
Effective Date of Planned Change:
It is anticipated that the resulting fee regime will take effect in 2011.
Fee-Setting Authority:
Radiocommunication Act, section 6(1), section 6(1); Department of Industry Act, sections 18, 19, 20;
Financial Administration Act, section 19.1
Reason for Planned Introduction of or Amendment to Fee:

Amended fees will apply to long-term licences coming up for renewal as well as existing licences with annual fees.

Consultation and Review Process Planned:

The first phase of the consultation process will begin before March 31, 2009

Service Standards:

Service standards for these fees will be established during the consultation process
For additional fee-related information please go to: Spectrum Management and Telecommunications — Licence Fees.


Spectrum Licence Fees for Narrowband Multipoint Communication Systems (M-MCS)
Fee Type:
Effective Date of Planned Change:
The fee is anticipated to be introduced in 2010.
Fee-Setting Authority:
Radiocommunication Act, section 6(1); Department of Industry Act, sections 18, 19, 20;
 Financial Administration Act, section 19.1
Reason for Planned Introduction of or Amendment to Fee:

Narrowband Multipoint Communication Systems (N-MCS), that are not otherwise licence-exempt, will receive spectrum licences regardless of their intended frequency band of operation. This new regime will replace licensing approaches currently used for N-MCS systems.

Consultation and Review Process Planned:

A public consultation on the proposed fee will be held in 2009. It is anticipated that the proposed fee will be reviewed by Parliament under the User Fees Act in 2010.

Service Standards:

Service standards for these fees will be established during the consultation process.
For additional fee related information please go to: Spectrum Management and Telecommunications — Licence Fees.


Spectrum Licence Fees for Wireless Broadband Services (WBS) in the Band 3650–3700 MHz
Fee Type:
Effective Date of Planned Change:
The fee is anticipated to be introduced in 2010.
Fee-Setting Authority:
Radiocommunication Act, section 6(1), Department of Industry Act, sections 18, 19, 20;
Financial Administration Act, section 19.1
Reason for Planned Introduction of or Amendment to Fee:
New spectrum is being made available and new fees will be set.
Consultation and Review Process Planned:

One public consultation have been completed (Proposed Spectrum Utilization Policy, Technical and Licensing Requirements for Wireless Broadband Services (WBS) in the Band 3650-3700 MHz). (Comments Received) It is anticipated that the proposed fee will be reviewed by Parliament under the User Fees Act in 2009–2010.

Service Standards:

Service standards for these fees will be established during the consultation process.

For additional fee related information please go to: Spectrum Management and Telecommunications — Licence Fees.


Spectrum Licence Renewal Fees for 24, 28 and 38 GHz Wireless Broadband Communications
Fee Type:
Effective Date of Planned Change:
The fee is expected to be in place in 2009–2010.
Fee-Setting Authority:
Radiocommunication Act, section 6(1), Department of Industry Act; sections 18, 19, 20;
Financial Administration Act, section 19.1
Reason for Planned Introduction of, or Amendment to, Fee:

The licence terms of 24/38 GHz spectrum licences obtained via the 1999 Auction are coming to an end, starting in 2010. An annual licence fee needs to be established which we anticipate will apply to the renewal licences as well as any other 24/38 GHz licences that may be issued. The fee will also apply to 28 GHz spectrum to be made available.

Consultation and Review Process Planned:

The initial public consultation took place in March 2008 (Consultation on the Renewal of 24 and 38 GHz Spectrum Licences and Spectrum Licence Fees for 24, 28 and 38 GHz Bands - Comments Received The initial consultation covered all issues relevant to the 24/38 GHz licence renewals including fees. A second consultation will be issued with the decision on the renewal process. It is anticipated that the proposed fee may be reviewed by Parliament under the Users Fees Act in late 2008–2009.

Service Standards:

Service standards for these fees will be established during the consultation process.

For additional fee related information please go to: Spectrum Management and Telecommunications – Licence Fees.

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National Parole Board

User Fees

User Fees
Name of User Fee Fee Type Fee-setting Authority Reason for Planned Introduction of or Amendment to Fee Effective Date of Planned Change Consultation and Review Process Planned
Processing pardon application Regulatory Service Financial Administration Act The NPB is proposing to increase the user fee for the processing of pardon applications to enable it to manage workload increases associated with the processing of pardon applications, to ensure the provision of services to pardon applicants at a reasonable level and to establish sustainability for the pardon program.

In recent years, the Board has experienced a significant increase in the number of pardon applications received annually, from 19,000 four years ago to 37,000 in 2008-09. This growth trend is expected to continue, with projections of up to 50,000 applications per year in the near future.

Workload growth of this magnitude cannot be managed with the current level of resources available for pardons, nor can the Board reallocate internally to the pardon program without jeopardizing its capacity for effective management of its legislated responsibilities for conditional release, and therefore, its ability to contribute to public safety in an effective manner.

While numerous steps have been taken to streamline pardon processes, the Board must also obtain access to increased revenues from the pardon user fee in order to establish sustainability for the pardon program.
2009-10 The proposal to increase the user fee for processing a pardon application was approved as an efficiency measure in the strategic review process.

Implementation of this proposal, which will be consistent with the requirements of the User Fees Act, will be supported by a series of consultations involving:

  • key federal partners with an interest in the pardon program;
  • national offender advocacy groups representing potential pardon applicants;
  • court organizations;
  • selected police services; and
  • victim advocates.

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Natural Resources Canada

Table 11: User Fees

User Fees
Name of User Fee Fee Type Fee-setting Authority Reason for Planned Introduction of or Amendment to Fee Effective Date of Planned Change Consultation and Review Process Planned
Explosives licence, permit and certificate fees Regulatory Explosives Act Update to fee schedule.

Currently using fee schedule from 1993. New schedule expected to distribute the burden of cost recovery more fairly.
Spring 2009 All affected stakeholders will be consulted through web postings, mailings and meetings.

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Parks Canada

Planned User Fee Activities for New or Amended Fees

Name of User Fee Fee Type Fee Setting Authority1 Reason for Planned Fee Introduction of or Amendment to Fee Effective date of planned change Completed / Planned Consultation and Review Process
National Park and National Historic Site Entry Fees for commercial operators– Approved (AMENDED).
Gros Morne National Park e.g. $7.30 to $8.30
Service Parks Canada Agency Act Rebuild or replace deteriorated visitor facilities using new revenues from fee increases. 2009/10 This increase was approved as part of a multiple year strategy approved in June 2005. Commercial tour rates were approved for one additional year due to Parks Canada’s commitment to tourism industry to provide 18 months advance notice on all fee increases.

Prior to being approved, this strategy was subject to consultations carried out between November 2003 and February 2004, and was tabled in Parliament as required by the User Fees Act.
National Park and National Historic Site Entry Fees – Proposed (AMENDED) Service Parks Canada Agency Act 2010/11:  adjustments to local pricing
2011/12 and 2012/13: adjustments to national pricing to keep pace with inflationary pressures on costs
Parks Canada will consult locally with the public and stakeholders through meetings with advisory and client groups and through direct mailings. Elected officials will be informed through meetings and letters.

Parks Canada will also hold meetings with commercial group tour operators at travel trade shows, consult directly with national stakeholders and interest groups and conduct a national public opinion poll and focus group sessions. Notice will be provided on the Parks Canada website on proposals for price increases.

A comparison of Parks Canada’s proposed fees with those charged by parks organizations in Canada and other countries will be conducted.

Pursuant to the User Fees Act, the local fees adjustment proposal will be tabled in Parliament in January 2010 and a national fees proposal for inflation in January 2011 prior to being submitted to the Minister responsible for Parks Canada for enactment.
National Park Camping Fees – Proposed (AMENDED) Service Parks Canada Agency Act As above 2010/11
Historic Canal Lockage Fees – Proposed (AMENDED) Service Parks Canada Agency Act As above 2010/11
National Park and National Historic Site Recreation Fees
Proposed (AMENDED)
Service Parks Canada Agency Act As above
Fishing License Fees – Proposed (AMENDED)
Rights and Privileges Parks Canada Agency Act To earn a fair return for the use of publicly owned resources and use the associated revenue to rebuild visitor facilities. 2011/12
Hot Pool Fees – Proposed (AMENDED) Service Parks Canada Agency Act Maintain current level of service using new revenues from fee increases. 2010/11
Business Licenses – Proposed (AMENDED)
Rights and Privileges Parks Canada Agency Act To earn a fair return for the commercial use of publicly owned resources. 2011/12
Parks Canada will consult on a business license fees proposal with business operators, business associations, chambers of commerce, elected officials, provincial parks and tourism ministries, national tourism organizations, park stakeholder groups and Canadians generally in 2009.

To respect our commitment to provide 18 months advance notice, implementation of the proposed new business fees will be 2011/12.
Pursuant to the User Fees Act, this proposal will be tabled in Parliament in January 2010 prior to being submitted to the Minister responsible for Parks Canada for approval.

1 According to Sections 23 and 24 of the Parks Canada Agency Act, the Minister sets all fees and charges for rights and privileges

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Public Works and Government Services Canada

Table 12: User Fees

User Fees
Name of User Fee Fee Type Fee-setting Authority Reason for Planned Introduction of or Amendment to Fee Effective Date of Planned Change Consultation and Review Process Planned
Access to Information Policy Other Products and Services (O) Access to Information Act No planned changes    
Canada Gazette- Subscription Fees Regulatory Statutory Instruments Act, 1971 No planned changes    
Public Ports and Harbours - Esquimalt Graving Dock Regulatory Public Works Act / Order-in-Council To bring the dock to a position of full cost recovery. To be determined after review by standing committees. Consultations with user groups and fleet owners are complete. Moving towards tabling proposal.
Public Ports and Harbours - Selkirk Marine Railway Dry Dock Regulatory Public Works Act / Order-in-Council No planned changes    

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The National Battlefields Commission

User Fees
Name of User Fee Fee Type Fee-setting Authority Reason for Planned Introduction of or Amendment to Fee Effective Date of Planned Change Consultation and Review Process Planned
Parking lots (O) Contractual authority pursuant to the Act respecting the National Battlefields at Quebec Generate revenues for the provision of services to the clientele

Market adjustment
Changes effective in 2009-2010 Notice in newspapers and publication in the Official Gazette of Canada
Educational activities and visitors reception (R) Contractual authority pursuant to the Act respecting the National Battlefields at Quebec Remboursement des frais relatifs à la prestation du service

Établis en fonction du marché
Changes effective in 2009-2010 Notice in newspapers and publication in the Official Gazette of Canada
Pricing available on Web site:

(O) Other product and service
(R) Regulatory service

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Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Table 6: User Fees

The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat does not charge user fees other than for the processing of access requests filed under the Access to Information Act. The Secretariat's Access to Information and Privacy Office does not plan user fees. Fees are charged based on the nature of the request made under the Access to Information Act, which sets out the fee structure.

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Western Economic Diversification Canada

Table 10: User Fees

User Fees
Name of User Fee Fee Type Fee-setting Authority Reason for Planned Introduction of or Amendment to Fee Effective Date of Planned Change Consultation and Review Process Planned
Fees charged for the processing of access requests  Other Products and services Access to Information Act No changes planned Not applicable Not applicable