Albert Point

A map of the area immediately surrounding DFRP Property Number 18758


  • Property Number:

  • Custodian:

    Fisheries and Oceans Canada
  • Official Contact:

  • Interest

    Land Use Permit
  • Restriction:

    No Restriction
  • Primary Use:

    Transportation Marine
  • Address:

    E. side of Upper Arrow Lake, S. of Galena Bay
  • Place Name:

    Arrow Lake
  • Municipality:

    Columbia-Shuswap B
  • Province/Territory:

    British Columbia
  • Federal Electoral District:

  • Coordinates

    50.591670, -117.911110, Accurate within ± 10m
  • Census Classification

  • Land Area:

    0.0405 ha
  • Building Count:

  • Floor Area:

    0 sq. m.
  • Record Created On

    August 8th, 1990
  • Record Last Modified On

    October 2nd, 2021

Contaminated Sites

Federal Site IdentifierStatusSite NameHighest Step Completed
00019440ClosedAlbert Point02 - Historical Review