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  • Census Subdivision: Opaskwayak Cree Nation 21E
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FCSI Identifier
Site Name
Status Fiscal Year Classification Highest Step Completed
315 - Opaskwayak Cree Nation - 06427 - OPASKWAYAK CREE NATION RESERVE NO. 21E - 0503502808
Confirmatory sampling completed. No further action required. 2010-2011 N Not a Priority for Action 09 Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting
315 - Opaskwayak Cree Nation - 06427 - OPASKWAYAK CREE NATION 21E - 0504221609
Historical review completed. No further action required. 2015-2016   02 Historical Review
315 - Opaskwayak Cree Nation - 06427 - OPASKWAYAK CREE NATION RESERVE NO. 21E - 0504223609
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 2009-2010   03 Initial Testing Program
315 - Opaskwayak Cree Nation - 06427 - OPASKWAYAK CREE NATION RESERVE NO. 21E - 0504223809
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 2009-2010   03 Initial Testing Program
315 - Opaskwayak Cree Nation - 06427 - OPASKWAYAK CREE NATION RESERVE NO. 21E - MB04798210
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 2011-2012   03 Initial Testing Program
315 - Opaskwayak Cree Nation - 06427 - OPASKWAYAK CREE NATION RESERVE NO. 21E - MB04798310
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 2011-2012   03 Initial Testing Program
315 - Opaskwayak Cree Nation - 06427 - OPASKWAYAK CREE NATION RESERVE NO. 21E - MB04798510
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 2011-2012   03 Initial Testing Program
315 - Opaskwayak Cree Nation - 06427 - OPASKWAYAK CREE NATION 21E - MB04792110
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 2016-2017 N Not a Priority for Action 04 Pre-Classify contaminated site using the CCME National Classification System (optional)
315 - Opaskwayak Cree Nation - 06427 - OPASKWAYAK CREE NATION RESERVE NO. 21E - 4000030398
Long term monitoring completed. No further action required. 2009-2010 2 Medium Priority for Action 10 Long-Term Monitoring (Optional)
315 - Opaskwayak Cree Nation - 06427 - OPASKWAYAK CREE NATION 21E - 4000043101
Confirmatory sampling completed. Long term monitoring underway. 2023-2024 2 Medium Priority for Action 09 Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting
315 - Opaskwayak Cree Nation - 06427 - OPASKWAYAK CREE NATION 21E - 4000041301
Confirmatory sampling completed. No further action required. 2015-2016 3 Low Priority for Action 09 Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting
315 - Opaskwayak Cree Nation - 06427 - OPASKWAYAK CREE NATION 21E - 4000041201
Remediation / risk management completed. No further action required. 2016-2017 2 Medium Priority for Action 08 Implement Remediation/Risk Management Strategy
315 - Opaskwayak Cree Nation - 06427 - OPASKWAYAK CREE NATION 21E - 4000043201
Detailed testing completed. Remedial action plan under development. 2023-2024 3 Low Priority for Action 06 Classify the site using the CCME National Classification System
315 - Opaskwayak Cree Nation - 06427 - OPASKWAYAK CREE NATION RESERVE NO. 21E - 0501140202
Long term monitoring completed. No further action required. 2009-2010 2 Medium Priority for Action 10 Long-Term Monitoring (Optional)
315 - Opaskwayak Cree Nation - 06427 - OPASKWAYAK CREE NATION 21E - 0501142302
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 2016-2017 3 Low Priority for Action 04 Pre-Classify contaminated site using the CCME National Classification System (optional)
315 - Opaskwayak Cree Nation - 06427 - OPASKWAYAK CREE NATION 21E - 0501142102
Detailed testing completed. Remedial action plan under development. 2023-2024 N Not a Priority for Action 06 Classify the site using the CCME National Classification System
315 - Opaskwayak Cree Nation - 06427 - OPASKWAYAK CREE NATION 21E - 0501142202
Confirmatory sampling completed. No further action required. 2016-2017 3 Low Priority for Action 09 Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting
315 - Opaskwayak Cree Nation - 06427 - OPASKWAYAK CREE NATION RESERVE NO. 21E - 0501178203
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 2009-2010   03 Initial Testing Program
315 - Opaskwayak Cree Nation - 06427 - OPASKWAYAK CREE NATION 21E - 0501178603
Confirmatory sampling completed. No further action required. 2015-2016 3 Low Priority for Action 09 Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting
315 - Opaskwayak Cree Nation - 06427 - OPASKWAYAK CREE NATION 21E - 4000032298
Initial testing completed. Detailed testing underway. 2023-2024 3 Low Priority for Action 04 Pre-Classify contaminated site using the CCME National Classification System (optional)